What made you decide to study at Media Design School?
I wanted to study Motion Design after having had some experience in Graphic Design, and at the time, Media Design School was the only tertiary provider offering a diploma (yes, I'm that old) in Motion Design. I’m so glad I stumbled upon the course because I ended up continuing to study for another 5 years in total at Media Design School!
How do you feel studying at Media Design School prepared you for industry?
Working with peers and tutors at Media Design School who either have industry experience, or are wanting to enter the industry results in a busy and thriving environment that’s very similar to a workplace situation. The transition from Media Design School to industry was incredibly smooth, especially in comparison to the transition from high school to tertiary for example.
What was your favourite part about studying at Media Design School?
I really loved my time at Media Design School, which is probably why I kept going back! I mostly enjoyed the connections and people I met along the way. Everyone there from the staff, to the students and tutors are all there because of common interests and similar end goals, so you can connect with almost anyone you cross paths with.
It's a great place to collaborate, and those connections you make with peers and students, carry on for years and years after graduating once you get into the industry. Still to this day I connect and work with peers on both personal and professional projects.
What are the key takeaways from your study that you still use now?
I'm a massive creative and visual person, and I don't really enjoy essays, writing or wordy tasks. But it's incredible how much value I got from our theory classes, and some of that information I still use today, and not only in my work, but also in my day to day life too. The theory classes have helped to shape my view of the world and my way of thinking. I’m incredibly grateful for those classes.
Can you take us through a typical day of working for your company?
Well firstly, I have started my own company! I run my business from home alongside picking up the odd freelance project here and there.
A normal day starts off with coffee in the morning and clearing emails, and usually includes a bunch of tasks ranging from zoom meetings with my business partners and mentors, to being interviewed for magazine features, planning and creating content for social media, participating in panellist discussions, updating my website, designing installations for shopping malls or coordinating exhibitions and photo shoots.
I love keeping busy and having variety in my day to day projects, and on top of all of that and since I love a challenge, I’m also a new mum. Navigating parenthood and juggling my creative tasks has been challenging but also rewarding at the same time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
What’s the biggest goal or dream of your career?
I have so many goals and dreams for my career and future, and I’ve also realised that they are constantly changing and developing as I change and develop as a person. My goals now are different to what they were 5 years ago, and I’m sure will be different again in 5 more years’ time.
I speak my goals and aspirations out all the time, as I truly believe in manifesting what you want out of your life. But the ultimate goal really is to share my creative eye with others. Whether that be in my business, for my family or while working on a freelance project. It’s all I know and what I do best, and I hope to continue to share my skills for the rest of my career, no matter what industry or company I find myself working in.
What would be your advice for someone looking to get into your field?
Enrol to study at Media Design School, and take full advantage of everything that's on offer. Get to know the tutors. Make friends. Start personal projects. Utilise the technology and hardware available. Continue to improve and up-skill constantly. And lastly, challenge yourself.
Try to put your best work out there in each project you touch so that you can begin to build a strong portfolio. There is so much available to you but you only get out what you put in. So I strongly advise you make the most of everything you can, because it all pays off in the end.

Yawye Babies
Ani's company creates indigenous meal plans, tailored for clients children and delivered to their home.