Paying for Fees

By signing your offer of place, you commit to enrolling at Media Design School and paying your fees. You will be liable for fees unless you formally withdraw from the course.

Fees may be paid by credit card (Visa or Mastercard only), or StudyLink loan (domestic students only).

Fees are inclusive of Compulsory Course Costs and GST (the NZ Goods and Services Tax - 15% subject to change).

Fees are subject to change without notice. Indicative fees for the first year of study are listed on the website, however the final fee will be presented in an invoice when you receive your offer.

By accepting an offer of place for a programme at Media Design School, you accept full responsibility for paying your fees by the due date. You are liable for the full payment of fees eight calendar days after course commencement, or after 10 working days for international students. You will be liable for full fees whether or not you complete your qualification.

Students suspended, expelled or de-registered from their studies as a result of not abiding by the Student Conduct Policy and Academic Progression Policy (including not meeting financial obligations), or for other reasons, are still liable for payment of their full fees.

Withdrawal and refund policies are available here.

Student Loan information for Domestic Students

About StudyLink and Student Loans

Domestic students are generally able to access a student loan through StudyLink to pay the fees for their qualification. If you intend to apply for a StudyLink student loan, you'll need to do so immediately upon receiving your acceptance letter from Media Design School, or at least two weeks prior to the qualification commencing. Here's how you do it: when you received your acceptance letter (you will be notified by email and by mail) contact StudyLink immediately and supply them with your details and your student ID number (included in the Offer pack).

About StudyLink Course Related Costs

You will need supplies and equipment associated with your course, such as a Wacom Tablet, visual diaries, and hard drives. StudyLink provides loans up to $1,000 for course related costs; ensure you apply for what you need when you apply for your student loan to cover your course fees.

Fees Free Study

If you're a first-time tertiary learner, you may be able to get Fees Free for study starting in 2024. If you're eligible, we’ll organise payment of your fees with the Tertiary Education Commission.

The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study or training will finish at the end of 2024. A final-year Fees Free scheme will replace it, starting from 1 January 2025.

Check if you are eligible in 2024, or find out about the final-year Fees Free scheme by visiting

Tips on Managing Money

Budgeting and Financial Planning

MoneyHub has a complete guide to student loans, student money tips, banking, CV and job interview tips, and guidance on what to study. 

The following links also have great information on budgeting and how to manage your student finances:


Gain Employment

Careers New Zealand can provide information and advice to help you make good decisions about where to work, study or train. There is also advice on how to create a CV and how to apply for jobs. 

Explore the Student Job Search website to find job opportunities to fit in and around your study schedule.

The Big Idea is a resource that helps with job-seeking, along with a general overview of what is happening in the creative industry.

There is also Seek, if you have a better idea of what you want to be doing.

And once you're a student with MDS, you'll find special opportunities occasionally posted on our Student Discord and Student Facebook groups.

Remember that all our bachelor courses are full-time, so keep you eye out for part-time and casual jobs so you don't burn yourself out!



Sometimes all you'll need is to take the edge off to give yourself a little breathing room. We have scholarships that cater to many disciplines, that you can can check out, along with some other options for external scholarship opportunities HERE.