Accessible Learning

If you are attempting to manage the demands of study as well as an ongoing health condition or accessibility need, or you are the primary carer for a person with accessibility needs, you may be eligible for academic adjustments and other supports.

We can offer access to reasonable adjustments and can provide advice to future students regarding support services.

If you identify as having an accessibility need or condition that may impact on your ability to complete your study, talk to us about the resources and support available.

Contact Us

Get in touch at


Two people having a conversation in Media Design School's library.

Counsellor and Disability Advisor

Anna Boivin

Kia Ora, and Welcome.

As the Disability Advisor, I work closely with students and faculty to support students with disabilities or medical conditions on their learning journey with Media Design School.

My role includes meeting with students and planning for their accommodation requirements for learning.  This is to promote an inclusive and supporting environment for our learners.

If you would like to, you can contact me by email

Anna Boivin

Accessible support information


If you have a diagnosed accessibility need, learning difficulties, an ongoing mental or physical health condition or are the primary carer for a person with accessibility needs, you are eligible to apply for a Learning Statement of Access.

Relevant information

Students are encouraged to reach out to discuss their individual needs and hear about relevant support. Alternatively, students can submit a Learning Access Application with recommendations from their health care practitioner, which can be submitted in order to create a support plan. Please refer to the policy documents and resources on this page for more information about this process.

Other considerations

In order for us to support you optimally, we encourage you to contact us before the beginning of your first semester. Send us an email to discuss how we can best support you.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)

If you study on campus and have a medical or mental health condition or a physical disability, you may require a personal emergency evacuation plan. Please ensure you communicate this to the Disability Advisor so they can assist in creating an evacuation plan that takes into consideration your needs.

You do not need to submit a Learning Access Application or have a Learning Statement of Access in order to have a PEEP. This is about keeping you safe in case of an evacuation.

Disability Action Plan (DAP)

The Disability Action Plan is being developed to create an inclusive tertiary education environment for disabled learners at Media Design School.

It is our aim that this plan supports the change that is needed to eliminate intentional or unintentional disability discrimination. You can read more about the Disability Action Plan at the link below.

Download the Disability Action PLan

Students with approved adjustments

Students with approved requests for support will be issued with a Learning Statement of Access, which clearly states the formalised and pre-approved adjustments which have been allowed for the student. Students are responsible for communicating the reasonable adjustments approved in their Statement by sharing their Learning Statement of Access with academic and teaching staff at the beginning of every semester, or as proactively as possible, to ensure relevant staff have a clear understanding of student needs in order to support and implement the approved adjustments.

If you require a copy of your Learning Statement of Access, please contact our Disability Advisor to be issued with this document.

Some adjustments related to specialised equipment and software will be organised during the application process, whilst academic adjustments will require timely communication with Academic and Campus staff, which the Disability Advisor will facilitate.